
树种:柳树 学名:Salix ×jiangsuensis‘172’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
雌株。分枝角较大,树冠开阔,卵圆形。在长江中下游滩地5年生材积可达生长量93.25m3/ ha,基本密度0.409g/cm3,6 年生木材纤维长度1.33mm,宽度0.025mm,纤维素含量50.7%。可作纸浆材、四旁绿化品种。
成片造林可用1 年生苗,苗高2.5-3.0m,高、径比为100:1,四旁植树宜用2 年生大苗,苗高4-5m。5 年轮伐期纸浆林密度宜为1667 株/ha。
树种:柳树 学名:Salix ×jiangsuensis‘932’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
雌株。多数分枝角大于45°,树冠开阔、较稀疏,树干多处微弯曲。在长江中下游、淮河下游等地蓄积年均生长量可达22.5-30m3/ha,基本密度0.484 g/cm3,可作纸浆材、四旁绿化品种。
在春季发芽前造林。选用1 年生、苗干通直,高2.5-3.0m,高径比为100:1的苗木造林。淹水深的地方用2 年生、高4-5m 的大苗造林。根据造林目的需要,造林密度可从1.5×3m 到3×4m,4 -7 年采伐。
树种:油松 学名:Pinus tabulaeformis
类别:种子园种子 通过类别:审定
编号:国S- CSO(1)-PT-003-2015
种子园种子千粒重45.8g,种子园混合种子造林,22年生平均树高为4.92m,胸径6.11㎝,树高、胸径、材积遗传增益分别为10.3%、8.2% 、22.0%,木材基本密度0.39 g/cm3。可作为用材林、生态防护林品种。
树种:杉木 学名:Cunninghamia lanceolata
类别:种子园种子 通过类别:审定
编号:国S- CSO(1)-CL-004-2015
适宜冬末春初雨后阴天栽植,初植株行距为2×2m,抚育管理第1-3年,每年2次,松土深度10cm左右;第4年只清除妨碍幼树生长的杂灌、草和藤蔓;幼林以枯饼、有机肥和钙镁磷肥150-180kg/ha,8-10年生时施尿素300-375kg/ha,钙镁磷肥750-900kg/ha,沿树蔸环状开沟;在林龄8-10年时,采用一次性间伐,间伐后密度为1200株/ ha。
树种:湿地松×洪都拉斯加勒比松 学名:Pinus elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis‘zhonglin 1’
类别:引种驯化品种 通过类别:审定
中国林业科学研究院林业研究所从澳大利亚昆士兰州林业所引种。干型圆满通直,尖削度小,在广东江门10 年生平均树高12.3m,平均胸径17.5cm。6年生木材基本密度0.414g/m3,木质素含量29.61%,综纤维素含量69.49%,α-纤维素含量41.56%。可作为建筑用材、纸浆材品种。
选择酸性土壤,土层深厚,排水良好,海拔800m 以下的山地丘陵地带造林。苗高要达到15-20cm,顶芽饱满,地径达到0.3cm 以上。株行距2.5×3.0m 。春季造林,华南地区适宜在清明节前后造林。定植一个月后要进行查看和补苗;定植后的第一年要分别在7-8月份和11-12月份进行2 次抚育除杂,防止因杂草杂木遮阴而影响生长。
树种:白桦 学名:Betula platyphylla ‘1-7’
类别:家系 通过类别:审定
造林地宜选择在火烧迹地、小块皆伐迹地、林缘坡地或林中空地。行距为2×2m为宜。栽植前,穴面腐殖土全部回穴底,苗木居穴正中,严格按照“ 三埋两踩一提苗”的方法进行,培土深度应高于地面4cm左右。造林后1-3年内每年抚育2-3次。
树种:白桦 学名:Betula platyphylla ‘4-7’
类别:家系 通过类别:审定
造林地宜选择在火烧迹地、小块皆伐迹地、林缘坡地或林中空地。行距为2×2m为宜。栽植前,穴面腐殖土全部回穴底,苗木居穴正中,严格按照“ 三埋两踩一提苗”的方法进行,培土深度应高于地面4cm左右。造林后1-3年内每年抚育2-3次。
树种:白桦 学名:Betula platyphylla ‘4-13’
类别:家系 通过类别:审定
造林地宜选择在火烧迹地、小块皆伐迹地、林缘坡地或林中空地。行距为2×2m为宜。栽植前,穴面腐殖土全部回穴底,苗木居穴正中,严格按照“ 三埋两踩一提苗”的方法进行,培土深度应高于地面4cm左右。造林后1-3年内每年抚育2-3次。
树种:白桦 学名:Betula platyphylla ‘3-12’
类别:家系 通过类别:审定
造林地宜选择在火烧迹地、小块皆伐迹地、林缘坡地或林中空地。行距为2×2m为宜。栽植前,穴面腐殖土全部回穴底,苗木居穴正中,严格按照“ 三埋两踩一提苗”的方法进行,培土深度应高于地面4cm左右。造林后1-3年内每年抚育2-3次。
树种:日本落叶松 学名:Larix kaempferi ‘Changlinggang’
类别:家系 通过类别:审定
树冠塔形,树干通直。在湖北省17年生平均胸径17.2cm,树高16.8m;11年生树平均基本密度为0.451 g/cm3,平均纤维长度2.762 mm,平均纤维宽度41.819µm,α-纤维素41.16%,木质素30.87%,综纤维素67.97%,可作为速生丰产林和纸浆材品种。
树种:日本落叶松 学名:Larix kaempferi‘Dagujia 27’
类别:家系 通过类别:审定
编号:国S- SF-LK-011-2015
树冠塔形,树干通直,树皮褐色,块状深裂,鳞片状剥落。在辽宁省22年生平均胸径24.95 cm,树高23.33m,材积0.5339m3。30年生家系平均基本密度为0.402 g/cm3,平均单根纤维长度2.791 mm,平均单根纤维宽度44.885 µm,弹性模量14.03 Gpa,抗弯强度101.58 Mpa,抗压强度58.96 Mpa。可用于营建结构材培育目的工业用材林。
树种:板栗 学名:Castanea mollissima ‘Yanshan duanzhi’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树体矮小,树冠紧凑,树姿半开张。1年生枝均长20.8 cm,粗0.77 cm,结果母枝长20.5cm,粗0.77cm。嫁接第4-5年进入盛果期,盛果期产量3000kg/ha。坚果椭圆形,深褐色,茸毛少,平均单粒重8.3g,含水量48.7%,可溶性糖含量23.04%,淀粉含量49.52%,蛋白质含量5.23%。适宜炒食或食品加工。
建园时选择背风向阳、排水良好的山坡中、下部或者平地建园。树形宜选用自然开心形,土壤条件较好,株行距可按 2 ×4 m定植,土壤条件差可按2 ×3 m定植,间伐后密度保持4 ×4 m-4 ×6 m。授粉树按照1/8-1/4配置,雄花花期与该品种雌花花期一致品种。
树种:板栗 学名:Castanea mollissima ‘Yanshan zaofeng’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树体高度中等,树冠紧凑度一般,树姿半开张。嫁接第4年即进入盛果期,盛果期产量3780kg/ha。坚果椭圆形,深褐色,茸毛较多,平均单粒重7.8 g,含水量51%,可溶性糖含量20.2 %,淀粉含量46.1%,蛋白质含量5.02 %。适宜炒食或食品加工。
建园时选择背风向阳、排水良好的山坡中、下部或者平地建园。树形宜选用自然开心形,土壤条件较好,株行距可按 2 ×4 m定植,土壤条件差可按2 ×3 m定植,间伐后密度保持4 ×4 m-4 ×6 m。授粉树按照1/8-1/4配置,雄花花期与该品种雌花花期一致品种。
树种:沙棘 学名:Hippohae rhamnoides‘Senmiao’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
灌木,树冠椭圆形。定植3-4年进入结果期,1年生枝10cm枝长平均2-5个棘刺。果实8月底成熟,果实呈黄色,近圆形,平均单果重0.25g,盛果期果实产量可达5000kg/ha。果实Vc含量695.69 mg/100g鲜重,VE含量4.15mg/100g,水解总黄酮含量215.45mg/100g;叶片水解总黄酮含量高达3362.4mg/100g。生态、经济兼用树种。
树种:沙棘 学名:Hippohae rhamnoides‘Caoxin 2’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
灌木,树冠椭圆形。少刺,1年生枝10cm枝长平均0-1个棘刺。定植3-4年进入结果期,5年进入盛果期,果实呈黄色,果实卵圆形,平均单果重0.38g,盛果期平均单株产量3.6kg以上,果实Vc含量284.59 mg/100g,VE含量3.34 mg/100g,水解总黄酮含量18.07mg/100g;叶片水解总黄酮含量3727.20mg/100g。生态、经济兼用树种。
树种:沙棘 学名:Hippohae rhamnoides‘Heisui 4’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
灌木,树冠椭圆形。少刺,1年生枝10cm枝长平均0-1个棘刺。定植3-4年进入结果期,5年进入盛果期,果实呈黄色,果实卵圆形,平均单果重0.38g,盛果期平均单株产量4.0kg,果实Vc含量86.25 mg/100g,水解总黄酮含量22.55mg/100g;叶片水解总黄酮含量达2970.60mg/100g。生态、经济兼用树种。
树种:枸杞 学名:Lycium barbarum‘Ningqi 9’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
落叶灌木,三倍体。叶片长椭圆形,叶长平均52.48mm,宽平均8.83mm,厚0.95-1.65mm,平均单叶重0.17g,五叶一芽平均鲜重0.89g,七叶一芽平均鲜重1.19g。根据木质化程度芽菜种植采摘以五叶一芽到七叶一芽为标准,宁夏壤土地栽培产量可达到1500kg/亩,五叶一芽中氨基酸总量7.33 g/100g;矿质元素含量钾、钙、铁、锌含量分别为4170 mg/kg、1170 mg/kg、73.48 mg/kg、12.28mg/kg;枸杞多糖、甜菜碱含量分别为3.4 g/100 g, 0.62 g /100g;蛋白质含量6.74g/100g,总膳食纤维含量6.56 g/100g;脂肪0.57 g/100g;能量为191 KJ/100g。适宜做枸杞芽菜。
选择土层深厚,土壤质地肥沃的沙壤、轻壤或中壤土,4月下旬-8月上旬都可进行苗木定植,株行距15-20×70cm,每亩定植4800-6400株。基肥结合春耕翻入土内15-20cm,施肥量有机肥1000-1500 kg/亩,尿素10 kg/亩, 过磷酸钙50 kg/亩,硫酸钾20 kg/亩。全年进行中耕除草6-8次。
树种:桃 学名:Prunus persica ‘Xiazhi zaohong’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树姿半开张,树冠较大。属早熟油桃品种,果实发育期67天。果实近圆形,果面全红。平均单果重138 g,最大果重163 g,盛果期树亩产可达1700 kg;果实可溶性固形物含量12.6%,总糖含量11.19%,可滴定酸含量0.15%,Vc含量13.45 mg/100 g新鲜果肉。鲜食品种。
‘Y’字形整枝采用株行距2-3 m×5-6 m,三主枝自然开心形整枝株采用株行距3-4 m×5-6 m。合理留果,产量每亩控制在2200kg左右为宜。加强肥水管理。
树种:桃 学名:Prunus persica ‘Zaoyu’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树姿半开张。中熟白肉桃品种,果实发育期93天左右。平均单果重195 g,最大果重304 g,盛果期亩产2000 kg。果皮底色为黄白色,果面1/2以上着红色晕。可溶性固形物含量13.0%,总糖含量11.2%,可滴定酸含量0.18%,Vc含量16.16 mg/100 g新鲜果肉。鲜食品种。
三主枝自然开心形整枝,可采用株行距3-4 m×5-6 m进行定植;‘Y’型整枝株行距可选用2-3 m×5-6 m。合理留果,产量每亩控制在2200kg左右。秋后增施有机肥,并加强春季肥水管理,花后适当追施磷钾肥,果实上色早,需注意适时采收。
树种:桃 学名:Prunus persica ‘Ruipan 4’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树姿半开张。晚熟白肉蟠桃品种,果实发育期134天左右。平均单果重221g,最大果重350 g,盛果期亩产2000 kg。果皮底色为淡绿至黄白色,果面1/2以上着暗红细点或晕。可溶性糖含量16.4%,可滴定酸含量0.13%,Vc含量14.83 mg/100 g新鲜果肉。鲜食品种。
‘Y’字形整枝采用株行距2-3 m×5-6 m,三主枝自然开心形整枝采用株行距3-4 m×5-6 m。合理留果,亩产量控制在2000kg左右。秋后施用有机肥,硬核期追施速效肥,果实成熟前20-30天保证灌水充足并适当增施速效氮肥和钾肥。加强夏季修剪。
树种:桃 学名:Prunus persica ‘Jinyuan’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树姿开张。中晚熟黄桃品种,果实发育期125天左右。平均单果重206-225g,最大果重316 g,盛果期亩产1500 kg。果实金黄,可溶性糖含量11.2%,可滴定酸含量0.33%,Vc含量6.58 mg/100 g新鲜果肉,可溶性固形物含量13.2%-14.5%。可鲜食、制作罐头、制汁。
树种:桃 学名:Prunus persica ‘Luxing’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树种:葡萄 学名:Vitis vinifera ‘Jumei’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
树种:石榴 学名:Punica granatum ‘Qiuyan’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
落叶到翌年萌芽前均可定植,株行距 2-3m×4m。花前施速效氮磷肥,7月中旬施果实膨大肥,秋季新梢停长后施有机肥。树形为小冠疏层形。定干50-80cm;第2年剪选2-4个旺枝短截1/3,其余枝条缓放;第3年及以后,开张主枝角度,促生有效短壮枝条,培养树形和结果枝组。
树种:梨 学名:Pyrus bretschneideri ‘Zhongnong Qiuli’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
编号:国S- SV-PB-025-2015
树体生长势强。中熟品种,果实发育期约130天。果实卵圆形,成熟时果面金黄色,平均单果重约250g,最大果重350g,盛果期平均亩产在2450kg。果实可溶性固形物含量13.0% ,可滴定酸含量0.14%。Vc 含量10.95 mg/100g鲜果重。鲜食或加工。
树种:苹果 学名: Malus pumila ‘Longfeng’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
编号:国S- SV-MP-026-2015
树势中庸。在黑龙江地区9月中旬成熟,晚熟品种。平均单果重45.1g,最大果重70g,北京地区盛果期亩产1600kg。果皮紫红色,可溶性固形物含量14.2 %,可溶性糖含量12.12 %,可滴定酸含量6.34g/kg,Vc含量202mg/kg。鲜食或加工。
树种:枣 学名:Ziziphus jujuba ‘Yulingdang’
类别:品种 通过类别:审定
选择土层肥厚、有机质含量高的砂壤土栽植,株行距2-3 m×3-4 m。矮化密植型的枣园的树形可选用小冠疏层形、开心形等,树高控制在2-2.5m。施肥以有机肥为主,化肥为辅,盛果期亩产量控制在1500kg内。
树种:无花果 学名:Ficus carica ‘Orphan’
类别:引种驯化品种 通过类别:审定
编号:国S-ETS –FC-028-2015
树种:无花果 学名:Ficus carica ‘Conadria’
类别:引种驯化品种 通过类别:审定
编号:国S-ETS –FC-029-2015
树种:无花果 学名:Ficus carica ‘Armerian’
类别:引种驯化品种 通过类别:审定
编号:国S-ETS –FC-030-2015
树种:无花果 学名:Ficus carica ‘Violette solise’
类别:引种驯化品种 通过类别:审定
编号:国S-ETS –FC-031 -2015
树种:楸树 学名:Catalpa bungei‘Tianqiu 1’
类别:无性系 通过类别:认定(5年)
落叶高大乔木,主干通直。在甘肃省天水市试验点9 年生时胸径和树高分别为14.45 cm和11.23 m,材积为0.342m3,5 年生基本密度和气干密度分别为0.32 g/cm3 和0.34g/cm3,纤维长度为591.40μm。可用于制作家具、贴面板材、装饰材等。
植树穴呈方形或圆形,穴径50-60 cm,深50 cm;一般为3 月至4 月上旬栽植,栽植1-3 年在树木进入生长旺季时,及时抹除主干上萌生的所有侧芽,以保证主干培育生长。
树种:楸树 学名:Catalpa bungei‘Tianqiu 2’
类别:无性系 通过类别:认定(5年)
落叶高大乔木,主干通直。在甘肃省天水市试验点9 年生时胸径和树高分别达到12.34 cm 和9.87 m,材积为0.224 m3,5 年生基本密度和气干密度分别为0.414 g/cm3 和0.477g/cm3。可用于制作家具、贴面板材、装饰材等。
植树穴呈方形或圆形,穴径50-60 cm,深50 cm;一般为3 月至4 月上旬栽植,栽植1-3 年在树木进入生长旺季时,及时抹除主干上萌生的所有侧芽,以保证主干生长。
树种:杉木 学名:Cunninghamia Lanceolata‘Xiangshan 300’
类别:无性系 通过类别:认定(5年)
常绿乔木,树冠尖塔形,主干通直圆满。在16m立地指数时胸径年平均生长量1.0-1.5cm,树高年平均生长量1.0m,单株材积年平均生长量0.01-0.02m3,15年生木材基本密度0.23g/ m3。可作为用材林、生态防护林品种。
树种:杉木 学名:Cunninghamia Lanceolata‘Xiangshan 88’
类别:无性系 通过类别:认定(5年)
常绿乔木,树冠尖塔形,主干通直圆满。在16m立地指数时胸径年平均生长量0.95-1.20cm,树高年平均生长量0.75m,单株材积年平均生长量0.01-0.025m3,15年生木材基本密度0.26g/ m3。可作为用材林、生态防护林品种。
树种:杉木 学名:Cunninghamia Lanceolata‘Xiangshan 68’
类别:无性系 通过类别:认定(5年)
常绿乔木,树冠尖塔形,主干通直圆满。在16m立地指数时胸径年平均生长量0.95-1.20cm,树高年平均生长量0.80m,单株材积年平均生长量0.01-0.02m3,15年生木材基本密度0.279g/ m3。可作为用材林、生态防护林品种。
树种:福建柏 学名:Fokienia hodginsii
类别:种源 通过类别:认定(5年)
树种:福建柏 学名:Fokienia hodginsii
类别:种源 通过类别:认定(5年)
树种:慈竹 学名:Bambusa emeiensis‘Sichuan 6’
类别:无性系 通过类别:认定(3年)
注: 通过认定的林木良种,认定期满后不得作为良种继续使用,应重新进行林木品种审定。
National list of genetically improved tree varieties
Certified Varieties
Suliu 172
Species: Hybrid willow
Scientific name: Salix ×jiangsuensis ‘172’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-SJ-001-2015
Female trees with wide branching angle. Open crown, oval canopy. Individual volume growth is 93.25 m3/ha and basic density 0.409 g/cm3 at 5 years old in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. Wood fiber length is 1.33 mm, fiber width 0.025 mm and cellulose content 50.7% at six years old. Used for pulpwood and ‘four- side’ planting.
Silvicultural techniques:
For planting in blocks one-year old trees can be used with a height of 2.5-3.0 m and height to diameter ratio of 100:1. For ‘Four-side’ planting two-year-old trees with a height of 4-5 m should be used. The stocking density of pulp plantation with a rotation of 5 years should be 1667 trees/ha.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing willows in Jiangsu, Anhui and Hubei.
Suliu 932
Species: Hybrid willow
Scientific name: Salix ×jiangsuensis ‘932’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-SJ-002-2015
Female trees with most branching angle lager than 45°. Open crown, sparse branches and slight bending at multiple locations on its trunk. Annual volume growth is up to 22.5-30 m3/ha, basic density 0.484 g/cm3 in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and lower reaches of Huai River. Used for pulpwood and ‘four-side’ planting.
Silvicultural techniques:
Trees are planted before budding in spring. One-year old, straight trees with a height of 2.5-3.0 m and height to diameter ratio of 100:1 were selected. For sites with potential of deep flood, 2-year-old trees with a height of 4-5 m should be used. According to the purpose and need of afforestation, the stocking density for pulp plantation is from 1.5×3 m to 3×4 m and cutting begins from 4-7 years after planting.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing willows in Jiangsu, Anhui and Hubei.
First generation seed orchard seeds of Chinese red pine in Ancient City Luonan
Species: Chinese red pine
Scientific name: Pinus tabulaeformis
Type of material: Seed orchard seeds
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S- CSO(1)-PT- 003-2015
1000-seed weight of seed orchard seed is 45.8 g. Mixed seeds of seed orchard are used for afforestation. At 22 years of age, average tree height is 4.92 m and DBH 6.11 cm, and genetic gains of height, DBH and volume are 10.3%, 8.2% and 22.0%, respectively. Wood basic density is 0.39 g/cm3. Used for timber production and ecological protection.
Silvicultural techniques:
Shady and semi-shady slopes in hills and semi-shady, semi-sunny and sunny slopes with good vegetation in high mountains are suitable for planting. Watering is needed prior to lifting to keep soil moisture. At planting, the roots should be kept spreading and trees be straight and deeply planted with no damages to the fine roots. Surface soil and wet soil are refilled into the planting hole in layers and pressed, covering a layer of loosen soils in the end.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing pines in Shanxi, Gansu and Henan.
First generation seed orchard seeds of Chenshan red fir
Species: Chinese fir
Scientific name: Cunninghamia lanceolata
Type of material: Seed orchard seeds
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S- CSO(1)-CL- 004-2015
Straight, round stem. Slow growth in early stage and fast growth in later. Average height is 8.6 m, wood basic density 0.3240 g/cm3 at 8 years of age. At 18 years of age, diameter at breast height ratio of hearts is 50.5%, latewood proportion 24.1% and fiber length 3602µm. Used for fast-growing and high-yielding plantation, shelterbelt forests and urban forests.
Silvicultural techniques:
Cloudy days after raining in later winter or early spring are suitable for planting with the initial planting spacing of 2×2 m. Tending and management are needed twice a year from the first to the third year, loosening the soil with a depth of around 10 cm. In the fourth year, weeding to remove shrubs, grasses and vines which prevent sapling from growing; oil cake fused with organic fertilizer and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer applied to young trees with a dosage of 150-180 kg/ha. Urea fertilization is 300-375 kg/ha, FCMP 750-900kg/ha at 8 years of age, ditching a ring stumps. Single time thinning conducted at 8-10 years old, to keep the stocking density of 1200 trees/ha.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing firs in Jiangxi, Zhejiang Fujian and Guangdong.
Hybrid pine ‘zhonglin 1’
Species: Hybrid pine
Scientific name: Pinus elliotii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis ‘zhonglin 1’
Type of material: Introduced exotic variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-ETS-PE-005-2015
Research Institute of Forestry Chinese Academy of Forestry introduced this variety from Queensland, Australia. Round and straight stem with small taperingness. Average height of ten-year-old trees is 12.3 m, DBH 17.5 cm in Jiangmen, Guangdong. Wood basic density is 0.414 g/m3, lignin content 29.61%, cellulose content 69.49%, α-cellulose content 41.56%. Used for construction and pulpwood.
Silvicultural techniques:
Sites with acidic soil, thick and well-drained mountainous and hilly regions with an altitude of no more than 800 meters are suitable for growing the variety. Young trees for planting should have a height of 15-20 cm and ground diameter of more than 0.3 cm, with a full apical bud. Planting spacing is 2.5×3.0 m. Tree planting in the spring in southern China is appropriate to be conducted around the Tomb-sweeping festival. Checking of survival and replanting should be done one month later after planting. Two tendings should be carried out respectively during July to August and November to December in the first year after planting in order to avoid the effect of shading by weeds on growth of the trees.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing hybrid pine of Pinus elliottii×P. caribaea in Guangdong and Fujian.
Birch Family 1-7
Species: White Birch
Scientific name: Betula platyphylla ‘1-7’
Type of material: Family
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SF-BP-006-2015
Straight stem with good natural pruning. Pure white and paper-like bark strips off in layers and turns to white-and-green in spring and summer. Leaves are golden in fall and the trunks are pure white with its branches dark red. The height is 10.68 m, DBH 10.01 cm, volume 0.0386 m3, stem straightness 2.01 at 11 years old in Maoer Mountain Experimental Forest Farm in Heilongjiang Province. Used for timber production and urban plantings.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting site should be chosen in burnt areas, small cutovers, sloping fields at forest edges or open areas in the forest at a spacing of 2×2 m. Surface humus is refilled into the planting holes before planting and young trees should be placed in the middle of the planting hole, and press the refilled soil so as to allow appropriate soil ventilation. Soil cover should be about 4 cm above the ground surface. Tending 2-3 times a year from the first to the third year after planting.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing birch in Heilongjiang and Jilin.
Birch Family 4-7
Species: White Birch
Scientific name: Betula platyphylla ‘4-7’
Type of material: Family
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SF-BP-007-2015
Straight stem with good natural pruning. Pure white and paper-like bark strips off in layers and turns into white-and-green in spring and summer. Leaves are in golden color in fall and the trunks are pure white with its branches in dark red. The height is 10.48 m, DBH 10.21 cm, volume 0.0402 m3, stem straightness 2.09 at 11 years old in Maoer Mountain Experimental Forest Farm in Heilongjiang Province. Used for timber production and urban plantings.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting site should be chosen in burnt areas, small cutovers, sloping fields at forest edges or and open areas in the forest at a spacing of 2×2 m. Surface humus is refilled into the planting holes before planting and young trees should be placed in the middle of the planting hole, and press the refilled soil so as to allow appropriate soil ventilation. Soil cover should be about 4 cm above the ground surface. Tending 2-3 times a year from the first to the third year after planting.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing birch in Heilongjiang and Jilin.
Birch Family 4-13
Species: White Birch
Scientific name: Betula platyphylla ‘4-13’
Type of material: Family
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SF-BP-008-2015
Straight stem with good natural pruning. Pure white and paper-like bark strips off in layers and turns to white-and-green in spring and summer. Leaves are in golden color in fall and the trunks are pure white with its branches in dark red. The height is 11.00 m, DBH 9.78 cm, volume 0.0377 m3, stem straightness 2.03 at 11 years old in Maoer Mountain Experimental Forest Farm in Heilongjiang Province. Used for timber production and urban plantings.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting site should be chosen in burnt areas, small cutovers, sloping fields at forest edges or and open areas in the forest at a spacing of 2×2 m. Surface humus is refilled into the planting holes before planting and young trees should be placed in the middle of the planting hole, and press the refilled soil so as to allow appropriate soil ventilation. Soil cover should be about 4 cm above the ground surface. Tending 2-3 times a year from the first to the third year after planting.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing birch in Heilongjiang and Jilin.
Birch Family 3-12
Species: White Birch
Scientific name: Betula platyphylla ‘3-12’
Type of material: Family
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SF-BP-009-2015
Straight stem with good natural pruning. Pure white and paper-like bark strip off in layers and become white-and-green in spring and summer. Leaves are golden in fall and the trunks are pure white with its branches dark red. The height is 10.52m, DBH 10.10cm, volume 0.0392m3, stem straightness 1.99 at 11 years old in Maoer Mountain Experimental Forest Farm in Heilongjiang Province. Used for timber production and urban plantings.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting site should be chosen in burnt areas, small cutovers, sloping fields at forest edges or and open areas in the forest at a spacing of 2×2 m. Surface humus is refilled into the planting holes before planting and young trees should be placed in the middle of the planting hole, and press the refilled soil so as to allow appropriate soil ventilation. Soil cover should be about 4 cm above the ground surface. Tending 2-3 times a year from the first to the third year after planting.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing birch in Heilongjiang and Jilin.
Japanese Larch Family of Changlinggang
Species: Japanese Larch
Scientific name: Larix kaempferi ‘Changlinggang’
Type of material: Family
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SF-LK-010-2015
Straight stem with tower-formed crown. The average DBH is 17.2 cm, height 16.8 m at 17 years of age in Hubei; the average basic density is 0.451 g/cm3, average fiber length 2.762 mm, α-cellulose 41.16%, lignin 30.87%, holocellulose 67.97% at 11 years of age. Used for fast-growing and high-yielding forest and pulp production plantation.
Silvicultural techniques:
Hills with altitudes of 1200-1900 m and with fertile soils at a depth of more than 50 cm. Soil is mountain brown soil or yellowish brown soil with a pH of around 6.0 and slope is no more than 45°. Afforestation should choose two-year-old grade I seedlings or vigorous two-year-old cutting propagated trees, adopting conventional planting and tending techniques of larch.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Japanese larch in Hubei, Hunan and Chongqing.
Dagujia 27
Species: Japanese Larch
Scientific name: Larix kaempferi ‘Dagujia27’
Type of material: Family
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SF-LK-011-2015
Straight stem with tower-formed crown. Dark brown barks with deep-cracking in blocks, peeling off in scales. The average DBH is 24.95 cm, height 23.33 m and individual volume 0. 5339 m3/tree at 22 years of age in Liaoning; the average single-fiber length is 2.791 mm, average single-fiber width 44.885 µm, elastic modulus 14.03 Gpa, bending strength 101.58 Mp, compressive strength 58.96 Mpa. Used for industrial timber forest for construction wood.
Silvicultural techniques:
Shady, semi-shady or semi-sunny slopes in mountain areas with fertile soils at a depth of more than 50 cm are suitable for planting. Soils are mountain brown or yellowish brown soil with a pH of around 6.0. Afforestation should choose two-year-old grade I seedlings or vigorous two-year-old cutting propagated trees, adopting conventional planting and tending techniques of larch.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Japanese larch in Liaoning, Hebei and Henan.
Yanshan duanzhi
Species: Chinese chestnut
Scientific name: Castanea mollissima ‘Yanshan duanzhi’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-CM-012-2015
Short trees with a compact crown and a half-open tree form. The average length and diameter of one-year-old branches are 20.8 cm and 0.77 cm respectively. The average length and diameter of fruit bearing branches are 20.5 cm and 0.77 cm. Peak period of fruiting starts from the 4th to 5th years after grafting with a peak yield of 3000 kg/ha. The nuts are oval in shape and dark brown in color, with few tomenta. The average weight of individual fruit is 8.3 g, with a water content of 48.7%, soluble sugar 23.04%, starch content 49.52% and protein content 5.23%. Suitable for stir fry or processed food.
Silvicultural techniques:
Middle or lower part of slopes or plain areas with good drainage where is leeward and sun-facing are selected for orchard establishment. Tree form is kept in natural open-heart. Planting spacing is 2 ×4 m in good soil conditions, 2 ×3 m in poor conditions and kept at 4 ×4 m to 4 ×6 m after thinning. Pollination trees are deployed at a ratio of 1/8 -1/4 and flowering at the same period as female trees.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing chestnut in Beijing, Hebei and Shandong.
Yanshan zaofeng
Species: Chinese chestnut
Scientific name: Castanea mollissima ‘Yanshan Zaofeng’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-CM-013-2015
Trees are medium in height with a normal compact crown and a half-open tree form. Peak period of fruiting starts from the 4th year after grafting with an average yield of 3780 kg/ha. The nuts are oval in shape and dark brown in color, with many tomenta. The average weight of individual fruit is 7.8 g, with a water content of 51%, soluble sugar 20.2%, starch content 46.1% and protein content 5.02%. Suitable for stir fry or processed food.
Silvicultural techniques:
Middle or lower part of slopes or plain areas with good drainage where is leeward and sun-facing are selected for orchard establishment. Tree form is kept in natural open-heart. Planting spacing is 2 ×4 m in good soil conditions, 2 ×3 m in poor conditions and kept at 4 ×4 m to 4 ×6 m after thinning. Pollination trees are deployed at a ratio of 1/8 -1/4 and flowering at the same period as female trees.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing chestnut in Beijing, Hebei and Shandong.
Species: Hippohae rhamnoides
Scientific name: Hippohae rhamnoides ‘Senmiao’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-HR-014-2015
Shrub tree with an oval crown. Fruiting period starts from the 3rd to the 4th year after planting. There are 2-5 thorns on average on a 10 cm long and one year old branch. Fruit ripens at the end of August, with yellow color and sub-rounded shape. The average weight of individual fruit is 0.25 g and the yield of peak fruiting period is up to 5000 kg/ha., with a content of Vitamin C of 695.69 mg every 100g fresh weight, VE content of 4.15 mg/100 g, total content of hydrolysis flavonoids of 215.45 mg/100g; total content of leaf flavonoids is up to 3362.4 mg/100g. Used as both ecological and economic trees.
Silvicultural techniques:
Two-year-old plants should be used for planting. Spacing of 1.5×3.0 m is suitable for man-manipulated areas and 2×4 m for machinery management areas. Female to male ratio is set to 8:1. Trees are planted in square plots. 3-4 times of inter-tillage weeding at a depth of 4-5 cm are conducted as necessary each year.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing sea-buckthorn in Liaoning and Inner Mongolia.
Caoxin 2
Species: Hippohae rhamnoides
Scientific name: Hippohae rhamnoides ‘Caoxin 2’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-HR-015-2015
Shrub tree with an oval crown and few thorns. There are 0-1 thorns on average on a 10 cm long and one year old branch. Trees start fruiting from the 3rd to the 4th year after planting, and peak in 5th year. Fruits are yellow in color and ovate in shape. The average weight of individual fruit is 0.38 g and the yield of peak period is larger than 3.6 kg/tree, with a content of Vitamin C of 284.59 mg/100g, VE of 3.34 mg/100 g, total content of hydrolysis flavonoids of 18.07 mg/100g; total content of leaf hydrolysis flavonoids is 3727.20 mg/100g. Used as both ecological and economic trees.
Silvicultural techniques:
Two-year-old plants should be used for planting. Spacing of 1.5×3.0 m is suitable for man-manipulated areas and 2×4 m for machinery management areas. Female to male ratio is set to 8:1. Trees are planted in square plots. 3-4 times of inter-tillage weeding at a depth of 4-5 cm are conducted as necessary each year.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing sea-buckthorn in Liaoning and Inner Mongolia.
Heisui 4
Species: Hippohae rhamnoides
Scientific name: Hippohae rhamnoides ‘Heisui 4’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-HR-016-2015
Shrubs with oval crown, few thorns. There is zero to one thorn on a 10 cm branch at one year old of age. Fruiting period starts from the third to the fourth year after planting and come into full bearing period in the fifth year. Ripen fruit is yellow and the shape is oval. The average single fruit weights 0.38 g and 4.0 g in the full-bearing period. Vitamin C content is 86.25 mg/100g fresh weight, total flavonoids of hydrolysis content 22.55 mg/100g; total flavonoid of leaf hydrolysis content is up to 2970.60 mg/100g. Ecological and economic varieties.
Silvicultural techniques:
Tree planting should choose two-year-old seedlings. Spacing of 1.5×3m is suitable for man-manipulated areas and 2×4m for machinery management areas with a female to male ratio of 8:1. Trees are planted in square plots. 3-4 times of timely inter-tillage weeding at a depth of 4-5 cm are conducted every year.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing sea-buckthorn in Liaoning and Inner Mongolia.
Ningqi 9
Species: Chinese wolfberry
Scientific name: Lycium barbarum‘Ningqi 9’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-LB-017-2015
Deciduous shrub, triploid, with long-oval leaves of 52.48 mm long, 8.83 mm wide and 0.95-1.65 thick on average, the average fresh weight of individual leaves is 0.17 g, 0.89 g of one shoot with 5 leaves and 1.19 g of one shoot with 7 leaves. According to the extent of lignification, shoots are harvested with 5-7 leaves, achieving a yield of up to 1500 kg/mu on loam soil in Ningxia. For the shoot with one shoot and 5 leaves, total content of amino acids is 7.33 g/kg; content of mineral elements of potassium, calcium, iron and zinc are 41.7 mg/kg, 11.7 mg/kg, 73.48 mg/kg and 12.28 mg/kg respectively. Content of polysaccharide and betaine are respectively 3.4 g/100g and 0.62 g/100g. Protein content is 6.74g/100g, total content of dietary fibers 6.56 g/100g, fat 0.57 g/100g, and energy 191 KJ/100g. New shoots are edible and used as vegetable.
Silvicultural techniques:
Sandy loam, light loam or medium loam with thick in depth and rich in fertility are selected for tree planting from late April to early August, with a spacing of 15-20×70 cm and a stocking density of 4800-6400 trees/mu. Base fertilizers are applied into planting holes with 15-20 cm thick during spring tillage. The dosage is 1000-1500 kg/mu of organic fertilizers, 10 kg/mu of urea, 50 kg/mu of calcium superphosphate, and 20 kg/mu of potassium sulphate. Inter-tillage weeding is needed 6-8 times a year.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Chinese wolfberry in Ningxia, Shanxi, Henan, Chongqing and Beijing.
Xiazhi zaohong
Species: Green peach
Scientific name: Prunus persica ‘Xiazhi zaohong’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PP-018-2015
Big crown, half open tree form. Early maturing and fruit development period is 67 days. Fruit is sub-rounded with completely red skin. The average weight of individual fruit is 138 g with the heaviest of 163 g. The yield is up to 1700 kg/mu in peak period. The content of soluble solids is 12.6%, total sugar 11.19%, titratable acid 0.15% and Vitamin C 13.45 mg every 100g fresh weight. Used for production of fresh fruits.
Silvicultural techniques:
Trees planted at a spacing of 2-3 m x 5-6 m, and pruned into natural open-hart form with 3 main braches. For Y-formed pruning, spacing can be 3-4 m x 5-6 m. An appropriate de-fruiting was conducted to keep a yield of around 2200 kg/mu. Fertilization and irrigation should be strengthened.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing peach trees in Beijing and Gansu.
Species: Green peach
Scientific name: Prunus persica ‘Zaoyu’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PP-019-2015
Half open tree form, mid-maturation and white-flesh variety, fruit development period is around 93 days. The average weight of individual fruit is 195 g with the heaviest of 304 g. The yield of peak period is 2000 kg/mu. The background color of pericarp is pale yellow, and more than 1/2 of its surface is with red sparkles. The content of soluble solids is 13%, total sugar 11.2%, titratable acid 0.18%, vitamin C 13.45 mg every 100g fresh weight. Used for production of fresh fruits.
Silvicultural techniques:
Trees planted at a spacing of 2-3 m x 5-6 m, and pruned into natural open-hart form with 3 main braches. For Y-formed pruning, spacing can be 3-4 m x 5-6 m. An appropriate de-fruiting was conducted to keep a yield of around 2200 kg/mu. Organic fertilizers are applied in fall and irrigation and fertilization are strengthened in spring. Appropriate top-dressing of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is conducted after blooming. Fruits are early-colored, timely fruit harvesting is needed.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing peach trees in Beijing, Hebei and Gansu.
Ruipan 4
Species: Green peach
Scientific name: Prunus persica ‘Ruipan 4’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PP-020-2015
Half open tree form, late-maturation and white-flesh variety, fruit development period is around 134 days. The average weight of individual fruit is 221 g with the heaviest of 350 g. The yield of peak period is 2000 kg/mu. The background color of pericarp is light green to pale yellow, and more than 1/2 of its surface is with dark red dots or sparkles. The content of soluble sugar is 16.4%, titratable acid 0.13%, vitamin C 14.83 mg every 100g fresh weight. Used for production of fresh fruits.
Silvicultural techniques:
Trees planted at a spacing of 2-3 m x 5-6 m, and pruned into Y form, and 3-4 m x 5-6 m spacing for pruning into natural open-hart form. An appropriate de-fruiting was conducted to keep a yield of around 2000 kg/mu. Organic fertilizers are applied in fall and fast-releasing fertilizers during the period of fruit hardening. Sufficient irrigation should be guaranteed and proper amount of fast releasing nitrogen and potassium fertilizers applied 20-30 days prior to fruit maturation. Summer pruning needs to be intensified.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing peach trees in Beijing, Hebei and Shandong.
Species: Green peach
Scientific name: Prunus persica ‘Jinyuan’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PP-021-2015
Open form, mid to late maturation and yellow flesh variety. The fruit development period is around 125 days. The average weight of individual fruite is 206-255 g with the heaviest of 316 g. The yield of peak period is 1500 kg/mu. Fruits are golden in color, soluble sugar content is 11.2%, titratable acid 0.33% and vitamin C 6.58 mg per 100g fresh weight. Soluble solid content is 13.2%-14.5%. Used for fresh fruit production, canned fruits and juice.
Silvicultural techniques:
Areas at high locations with good irrigation and drainage, and fertile soils are selected for orchard establishment. Pollination tree is not needed. Spacing is 4.0× 5.0 m for pruning into open-heart form and 2.5 ×5.0 m for pruning into main-stem form. Appropriate timing and intensity of de-fruiting is needed. The fruit yield of peak period is controlled at 1200-1500 kg/mu. Greater attention is paid to fertilization and irritation.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing peach trees in Shanghai and Zhejiang.
Species: Green peach
Scientific name: Prunus persica ‘Luxing’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PP-022-2015
Strong vigor and open form, early-maturation variety. The fruit development period is around 80 days. Fruit is round in shape and completely red on surface. The average weight of individual fruit is 228.4 g with the heaviest of 317.7 g, and the average yield of four-year-old trees is 1931.9 kg/mu. Soluble solid content is 12.0%, total sugar content 8.96% and titratable acid content 0.43%. Fruit served in fresh.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting through trenching or digging large planting holes is conducted in hills or thin soils, and ridging combined with grass covering in growing season is adopted in clay soil. Trees are usually pruned into open form or main stem form. Irrigation and fertilization need to be intensified during the two periods of fruit enlargement. Pests control to prevent aphids damage should be given attention prior and during blooming and during immature fruit period.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing nectarine in Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei and Liaoning.
Species: Vitis vinifera
Scientific name: Vitis vinifera ‘Jumei’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-VV-023-2015
Maturation period is usually mid or late September in Northern China, 7-10 days later than Kyoho grape, mid to late maturation. Each fruit contains 1-3 seeds. The fruit is nearly round and dark purple in color. The weight of fruit cluster is 500-750 g and the average weight of individual fruit is 9.4 g. The yield in peak period is 2000-2500 kg/mu. Soluble solid content is 18%. Grapes used as fresh fruit or for wine making.
Silvicultural techniques:
Plants are grown with frames or hedges, spacing at 1.5-3 m between rows and 1 m between plants with hedges, and 6 m by 1 m with frames. Topping and side shoots tending are conducted timely in summer. Winter pruning mainly conducted on Medium to short branches. Adequate water and fertilizers are preferred.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing grapes in Hebei and Henan.
Species: Punica granatum
Scientific name: Punica granatum ‘Qiuyan’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PG-024-2015
Small arbor tree and open form. Fruit ripens in mid to late October, a late maturation variety. Fruit nearly round with a shape index of 0.9. The background color of fruit is yellow with fresh red on surface. The average weight of individual fruit is 450 g with the heaviest of 600 g. Seed is big, the average weight of 100 seeds is 76 g, with the heaviest of 90.6 g. The soluble solid content is 16.8%, juice yield of fresh fruit 49.6%. Used for fresh fruit or juice making.
Silvicultural techniques:
Field planting is appropriate during the period from defoliation to budding next year, with a spacing of 2-3 m × 4 m. Active nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied prior to blooming, fertilizers are applied in mid July for fruit enlargement and organic fertilizers applied in fall after shoots stop growing. Tree form is pruned into small and sparse crown. Trunk headed at a height of 50-80 cm. 2-4 strong branches selected and cut off by 1/3 in length in the second year after planting, making the other branches grow slowly. Main branches are pruned into an open form and promoting the growth of short and strong branches, to develop the tree form and fruit bearing branches.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing pomegranate in Shandong and Hebei.
Zhongnong Qiuli
Species: Pyrus bretschneideri
Scientific name: Pyrus bretschneideri ‘Zhongnong Qiuli’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-PB-025-2015
Trees are vigorous in growth and a mid maturation variety. The fruit development period is around 130 days. Fruit is oval in shape and golden in color when matured. The average weight of individual fruit is around 250g with the heaviest of 350g, and the yield is 2450 kg/mu in peak period. Soluble solid content is 13.0%, titratable acid content 0.14%, vitamin C content 10.95 mg per 100g fresh weight. Used for fresh fruit or for fruit-processing.
Silvicultural techniques:
Areas with good drainage, deep soil and adequate sunlight are suitable for orchard establishment. Trees can planted both in spring and autumn, but planting in spring is preferred, with a spacing of 2.5×4.0 m. Varieties of ‘Zaoshuli’, ‘Qiubaili’ and’Yali’ are used as the pollination trees. Trees are pruned into natural spindle-form, keeping a height of around 3.5 m. Normal treatments applied for soil, water and fertilizer management.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing grapes in Beijing, Hebei and Liaoning.
Species: Malus pumila
Scientific name: Malus pumila ‘Longfeng’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-MP-026-2015
Trees are moderately vigorous. Fruit ripens in mid September in Heilongjiang. It is a late maturing variety. The average weight of individual fruit is 45.1 g, with the heaviest of 70 g. The yield is 1600 kg/mu in peak period in Beijing. The fruit is purple red on its skin, with soluble solid content of 14.2%, soluble sugar content of 12.12%, titratable acid content of 6.34%, vitamin C content of 202 mg per 100g fresh weight. Used for fresh fruit or for fruit-processing.
Silvicultural techniques:
Areas with good drainage are selected for orchard establishment. A spacing of 2×4 m or 3×4 m is appropriate. Tree form is kept in small-crown or spindle form. Suitable pollination varieties are ‘Jinghong’, ‘Longguan’ and ‘K9’, with a female to male ratio of 4:1 or 6:1. Water and fertilizer management need to be intensified with increase of base fertilizers, mainly organic fertilizers supplemented with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing apples in Beijing, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia.
Species: Ziziphus jujuba
Scientific name: Ziziphus jujuba ‘Yulingdang’
Type of material: Variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-SV-ZJ-027-2015
Trees are half open in form. Fruit fully ripens in mid September in Fuyang of Anhui. The fruit development period is 90 days, a mid maturation variety. Fruit is round in shape with a shape index of 96%, the average weight of individual fruit is 19.88 g with the heaviest of 34.62 g. The yield of peak period is 1200 kg/mu. Soluble solid content is 30%, edible rate 98.2%, titratable content 0.256% and vitamin C content 328 mg per 100g fresh weight. Used as fresh fruit.
Silvicultural techniques:
Areas with thick and fertile sandy loam with high organic content are suitable for planting, spacing at 2-3 m×3-4 m. Small and sparse canopy shape and open-heart form are selected for establishment of dwarfed and densely planted orchard, with tree height kept at 2-2.5 m. Fertilization is mainly of organic fertilizers and supplemented by chemical fertilizers. The yield of peak period is kept under 1500 kg/mu.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing dates in Shanxi and Anhui.
Species: Ficus carica
Scientific name: Ficus carica ‘Orphan’
Type of material: Domesticated exotic variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-ETS-FC-028-2015
Shandong Academy of Forestry introduced this variety from the Department of Agriculture of California, the United States in 1998. The fruit is in golden color and shiny bright, and the flesh is pale yellow. The average individual fruit weight is 95 g and the yield peak period is up to 1300 kg/mu. Soluble fruit solid is 16.1%, vitamin C content 12.52 mg per kg fresh weight. Fruits are dsed for fresh fruit or for dried fruit products.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting spacing is usually of 2-3m×4-5m, mixture of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used as base fertilizers. Appropriate planting period is around the Tomb-sweeping festival. Trees are pruned to maintain a natural open-heart form with multiple main branches, and 3-5 main branches are finally retained. Base fertilizer is applied in fall, topdressing 2-3 times in the growing season. Fruit is usually collected in the morning or evening on sunny days.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing figs in Shandong, Henan and Shaanxi.
Species: Ficus carica
Scientific name: Ficus carica ‘Conadria’
Type of material: Domesticated exotic variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-ETS-FC-029-2015
Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry introduced this variety from the Department of Agriculture of California, the United States in 1998. Green yellow or pale green fruit skin with red flesh. The average individual fruit weight is 61 g with the heaviest of 80 g, and the yield in peak period is up to 1600 kg/mu. Soluble fruit solid is 14%, vitamin C content 16.39 mg per kg of fresh weight. Fruits used for fresh fruit or for dried fruit products.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting spacing is usually of 2-3m×4-5m, mixture of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used as base fertilizers. Appropriate planting period is around the Tomb-sweeping festival. Trees are pruned to maintain a natural open-heart form with multiple main branches, and 3-5 main branches are finally retained. Base fertilizer is applied in fall, topdressing 2-3 times in the growing season. Fruit is usually collected in the morning or evening on sunny days.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing figs in Shandong, Henan and Shaanxi.
Species: Ficus carica
Scientific name: Ficus carica ‘Armerian’
Type of material: Domesticated exotic variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-ETS-FC-030-2015
Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry introduced this variety from the Department of Agriculture of California, the United States in 1998. Golden fruit skin with pale pink flesh. The average individual fruit weight is 60 g with the heaviest of 100 g, and the yield in peak period is up to 900 kg/mu. Soluble fruit solid is 16.3%, vitamin C content 15.42 mg per kg of fresh weight. Fruits are used for fresh fruit or for dried fruit products.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting spacing is usually of 2-3m×4-5m, mixture of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used as base fertilizers. Appropriate planting period is around the Tomb-sweeping festival. Trees are pruned to maintain a natural open-heart form with multiple main branches, and 3-5 main branches are finally retained. Base fertilizer is applied in fall, topdressing 2-3 times in the growing season. Fruit is usually collected in the morning or evening on sunny days.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing figs in Shandong, Henan and Shaanxi.
Violette solise
Species: Ficus carica
Scientific name: Ficus carica ‘Violette solise’
Type of material: Domesticated exotic variety
Category of certification: Certified
Registration No.: Guo S-ETS-FC-031-2015
Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry introduced this variety from Fukushima Japanese Corporation in 1998. Dark purple red fruit skin with fresh red and juicy flesh. The average individual fruit weight is 58 g, and the yield in peak period is up to 800 kg/mu. Soluble fruit solid is 17.5%, vitamin C content 5.27 mg per kg fresh weight. Fruits used as fresh or dried fruit products.
Silvicultural techniques:
Planting spacing is usually of 2-3m×4-5m, mixture of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used as base fertilizers. Appropriate planting period is around the Tomb-sweeping festival. Trees are pruned to maintain a natural open-heart form with multiple main branches, and 3-5 main branches are finally retained. Base fertilizer is applied in fall, topdressing 2-3 times in the growing season. Fruit is usually collected in the morning or evening on sunny days.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing figs in Shandong, Henan and Shaanxi.
Pre-certified varieties
Tianqiu 1
Species: Catalpa bungei
Scientific name: Catalpa bungei ‘Tianqiu 1’
Type of material: Clone
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: Guo R-SC-CB-001-2015
Trees are tall and deciduous with a straight stem. In an experiment established in Tianshui City of Gansu Province, the DBH, height, and timber volume are 14.45 cm, 11.23 m, and 0.342m3 respectively at 9 years old. The basic density, air-dried density and fiber length are 0.32 g/cm3, 0.34g/cm3, and 591.40 μm respectively at 5 years old. Used for furniture, veneer board and decoration materials.
Silvicultural techniques:
The planting holes are in square or circle with 50-60 cm in diameter and 50 cm in depth. Trees are usually planted in March to early April. When the trees enter the stage of fast-growing 1-3 years after planting, all lateral buds sprouted from the main stem should be removed timely in order to ensure adequate growth of the main stem.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing catalpa in Henan, Gansu and Shaanxi.
Tianqiu 2
Species: Catalpa bungei
Scientific name: Catalpa bungei ‘Tianqiu 2’
Type of material: Clone
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: Guo R-SC-CB-002-2015
Trees are tall and deciduous with a straight stem. In an experiment established in Tianshui City of Gansu Province, the DBH, height, and timber volume are 12.34 cm, 9.87 m, and 0.224 m3 respectively at 9 years old. The basic density and air-dried density are 0.414 g/cm3 and 0.477 g/cm3 respectively at 5 years old. Used for furniture, veneer board and decoration materials.
Silvicultural techniques:
The planting holes are in square or circle with 50-60 cm in diameter and 50 cm in depth. Trees are usually planted in March to early April. When the trees enter the stage of fast-growing 1-3 years after planting, all lateral buds sprouted from the main stem should be removed timely in order to ensure adequate growth of the main stem.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing catalpa in Henan, Gansu and Shaanxi.
Xiangshan 300
Species: Chinese fir
Scientific name: Cunninghamia Lanceolata ‘Xiangshan 300’
Type of material: Clone
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: GuoR-SC-CL-003-2015
Evergreen tree with a sharp-tower formed crown and a straight full stem. In areas with a site index of 16 m, the average growth of DBH, tree height and individual tree volume are 1.0-1.5 cm, 1.0 m, and 0.01-0.02 m3 respectively. And the basic density of wood at 15-year-old is 0.23 g/m3. Used for timber forest and ecological protection forest.
Silvicultural techniques:
Sites with an site index larger than 12 are selected for tree planting, using one-year-old cutting-propagated clonal plants. Planting spacing is 2 m×2 m or 2 m×1.5 m. Tending is conducted twice a year in the first 3 years after planting, and once or twice in the fourth year after planting. Fertilization is mainly conducted with, phosphorus fertilizer, either one-time application as base fertilizer or several times of application respectively as base and additional fertilizers. Additional fertilization is done by furrow application.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Chinese fir in Jiangxi and Guangxi.
Xiangshan 88
Species: Chinese fir
Scientific name: Cunninghamia Lanceolata ‘Xiangshan 88’
Type of material: Clone
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: GuoR-SC-CL-004-2015
Evergreen tree with a sharp-tower formed crown and a straight full stem. In areas with a site index of 16 m, the average growth of DBH, tree height and individual tree volume are 0.95-1.20 cm, 0.75 m, and 0.01-0.025 m3 respectively. And the basic density of wood at 15-year-old is 0.26 g/m3. Used for timber forest and ecological protection forest.
Silvicultural techniques:
Sites with an site index larger than 12 are selected for tree planting, using one-year-old cutting-propagated clonal plants. Planting spacing is 2 m×2 m or 2 m×1.5 m. Tending is conducted twice a year in the first 3 years after planting, and once or twice in the fourth year after planting. Fertilization is mainly conducted with, phosphorus fertilizer, either one-time application as base fertilizer or several times of application respectively as base and additional fertilizers. Additional fertilization is done by furrow application.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Chinese fir in Jiangxi and Guangxi.
Xiangshan 68
Species: Chinese fir
Scientific name: Cunninghamia Lanceolata‘Xiangshan 68’
Type of material: Clone
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: Guo R-SC-CL-005-2015
Evergreen tree with a sharp-tower formed crown and a straight full stem. In areas with a site index of 16 m, the average growth of DBH, tree height and individual tree volume are 0.95-1.20 cm, 0.80 m, and 0.01-0.02 m3 respectively. And the basic density of wood at 15-year-old is 0.279 g/m3. Used for timber forest and ecological protection forest.
Silvicultural techniques:
Sites with an site index larger than 12 are selected for tree planting, using one-year-old cutting-propagated clonal plants. Planting spacing is 2 m×2 m or 2 m×1.5 m. Tending is conducted twice a year in the first 3 years after planting, and once or twice in the fourth year after planting. Fertilization is mainly conducted with, phosphorus fertilizer, either one-time application as base fertilizer or several times of application respectively as base and additional fertilizers. Additional fertilization is done by furrow application.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Chinese fir in Jiangxi and Guangxi.
Daoxian Provenance of Fokienia
Species: Fokienia hodginsii
Scientific name: Fokienia hodginsii
Type of material: Provenance
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: Guo R-SP-FH-006-2015
Evergreen arbor tree. In Fujian province the average height, DBH and individual tree volume of 16-year-old trees are 9.95 m, 15.05 cm, and 0.092484 m3 respectively. And the air-dried wood density is 0.425 g/m3, the fully-dried wood density is 0.398 g/cm3. Used for timber forest.
Silvicultural techniques:
Appropriate period for tree planting is from December to February next year. Planting sites are selected in areas with deep and loose-textured soil which is rich in humus and with acidic responses, humid and well-drained, classified as level I and II. Mountain valleys, mid and lower parts of sun-facing slopes are suitable sites for tree planting. Initial stocking density is 3100 trees/ha. Weeding and ridging, and application of compound fertilizers (50 g/tree) are conducted twice in the year of planting, In the second and the third year after planting, weeding is conducted twice a year and application of compound fertilizer (100 g/tree) once a year; and in the fourth year after planting, weeding twice a year but no fertilization. Thinning is conducted during the period of 10-14 years after planting with an thinning intensity of 15-20%.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for Fokienia in Jiangxi and Fujian.
Longyan Provenance of Fokienia
Species: Fokienia hodginsii
Scientific name: Fokienia hodginsii
Type of material: Provenance
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 5 years
Registration No.: Guo R-SP-FH-007-2015
Evergreen arbor tree. In Fujian province the average height, DBH and individual tree volume of 16-year-old trees are 10.11 m, 14.71 cm, and 0.093590 m3 respectively. And the air-dried wood density is 0.419 g/m3, the fully-dried wood density is 0.392 g/cm3. Used for timber forest.
Silvicultural techniques:
Appropriate period for tree planting is from December to February next year. Planting sites are selected in areas with deep and loose-textured soil which is rich in humus and with acidic responses, humid and well-drained, classified as level I and II. Mountain valleys, mid and lower parts of sun-facing slopes are suitable sites for tree planting. Initial stocking density is 3100 trees/ha. Weeding and ridging, and application of compound fertilizers (50 g/tree) are conducted twice in the year of planting, In the second and the third year after planting, weeding is conducted twice a year and application of compound fertilizer (100 g/tree) once a year; and in the fourth year after planting, weeding twice a year but no fertilization. Thinning is conducted during the period of 10-14 years after planting with an thinning intensity of 15-20%.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for Fokienia in Jiangxi and Fujian.
Sichuan 6
Species: Bambusa emeiensis
Scientific name: Bambusa emeiensis ‘Sichuan 6’
Type of material: Clone
Category of certification: Pre-certified for 3 years
Registration No.: Guo R-SC-BE-008-2015
Sympodial bamboo, with a long and thin top shoot that droops cambered. The stalk height, the DBH, the average internode length, and the longest internode length are 16-19 m, 7.4-8.2 cm, 41-46 cm and 65 cm respectively. The lignin content of bamboo timber is lower than 32%. The cellulose content is higher than 33%. The ash content is lower than 0.6%. Used for timer species.
Silvicultural techniques:
Appropriate period for bamboo planting is February to March, and stocking density is 630-900 trees/ha, plantings are in square or rectangular blocks. For large-scale planting, propagated individual bamboo plants are mainly used and supplemented by division of bamboo clusters. Tending of young bamboo forest includes fertilization, watering, weeding, scarification and ridging. Tending of mature bamboo forest includes sunning root-ball, fertilization, management of parental bamboo, bamboo cutting and soil treatment.
Suitable areas for planting:
Areas suitable for growing Bambusa emeiensis in Sichuan, Chongqing and Guizhou.
Note: The pre-certified varieties may not be used as improved varieties after expiration and need to be certified again.