
Article 1 Pursuant to 《theLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonForeign-fundedEnterprises》,《theLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonSino-foreignEquityJointVentures》,《theLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonSino-foreigncooperativeJointVentures》, and《theLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonUrbanPlanning》, the current Regulations is hereby formulated to expand the scope of opening to the outside; regulate foreign companies, enterprises and other economic entities or individuals investing in enterprises providing services to urban planning; and strengthen management of the activities of urban planning services provided by foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises.
Article 2 The Regulations applies to those setting up foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises within the boundary of the People's Republic of China and applying for the 《CertificateofQualificationofForeign-fundedEnterprisesforUrbanPlanningServices》, and to the supervision and management of foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises.
Article 3 The foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises as referred to in the current Regulations include Sino-foreign equity joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative joint ventures, and ventures with exclusive foreign investment that are set up in the People's Republic of China in accordance with law to provide services to urban planning.
The term 'urban planning service' as used in the current Regulations refers to provide drawing and consulting services to urban development plans other than general planning.
Article 4 All foreign companies, enterprises, other economic entities or individuals engaged in urban planning services in China shall set up Sino-foreign equity joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative joint ventures, or ventures with exclusive foreign investment and apply for the 《CertificateofQualificationofForeign-fundedEnterprisesforUrbanPlanningServices》.
Those have not been granted the 《CertificateofQualificationofForeign-fundedEnterprisesforUrbanPlanningServices》 shall not take up the business of urban planning services.
Article 5 The department responsible for the management of foreign trade and economic cooperation under the State Council shall take charge of management of establishment of foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises, while the department responsible for construction under the State Council shall take charge of management of qualification of foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises.
The departments responsible for foreign trade and economic cooperation under the people's governments at the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal governments under the direct leadership of the central government shall take charge of preliminary examination of establishment of foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises in their respective administrative areas, and departments responsible for urban planning under people's governments at and above the county level shall take charge of supervision and management of the urban planning service activities carried out by foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises in their respective administrative areas.
Article 6 Apart from meeting requirements set in relevant Chinese laws and regulations on foreign-funded enterprises, the following requirements shall be met for the establishment of foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises:
1. Theforeignpartyshallbeanenterpriseorprofessionalspecializinginurbanplanningservicesinitsresidentcountryorregion.
2. Theapplicantshallownmorethan20employeesspecializinginurbanplanning,architecture,roadtransportation,gardeningandrelateddisciplines,withforeignspecialistsaccountingfornolessthan25percentofthetotal,andhaveatleastoneforeigntechnicianspecializinginurbanplanning,architecture,roadtransportation,andgardeningrespectively.
3. TheapplicantshallhavetechnicalapparatusandfixedworkingsiteasstipulatedbytheState.
Article 7 Those applying for establishing foreign-funded urban planning service enterprises shall apply, in accordance with law, to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce or local administrations of industry and commerce with authorization from the State Administration of Industry and Commerce for examination and approving the titles of the foreign-funded enterprises they plan to set up.
Article 8 After passing examination and receiving approval of the titles of the foreign-funded enterprises it plans to set up, the applicant shall apply to the departments of the provincial, autonomous regional or people's municipal government under the direct leadership of the central government in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation in the region where the enterprise is to be located for the establishment. it shall submit the following documents:
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